MsWendy - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Barsinghausen
Chat with MsWendy - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Barsinghausen online. 30- years of experience in Tarot Reading. An Attuned Wise Woman is not born she is groomed from beyond. So, she will know the Universal Secrets. This wise woman carries her home on her back and wanders the land to share the kindled spirit from within. Her destiny is written in the Stars above. She is birthed out of mother earth and becomes one with Wolf trails. Her powerful gifts are but a reflection of the soft dew on a blade of grass, charged by the night lights and exposed by the call of hawk to the mouse. Through her tools of divination she seems to reach into your very soul~ She is a guide, a wise counselor, a servant to the call. I love my heritage and find immense joy in sharing my gifts. I like many of my co-counselors was born with the calling and gifts. Born with the three Clairs: Clairvoyant (I see), Clairaudient (I hear), Clairsentinet (I Know) along with a deep well of Empathy. My intuition for many years was safely tucked away out of view. Out of a desire to be more like the other kids and not upset my family unity. The Universe has enticed me and protected me along my journey. I would learn from a diverse group of ladies over many years. The words of my Grandmother and encouragement of my Grandpa W would not be fully appreciated until I need the strength to face veils destruction in my life. The Cosmos has infused me with wide array of teachers appearing as wide as the horizon and deep as the Grand Canyon. I was not always the most grateful student and I rebelled often. It has lead me to accept the very essence of who I am and embrace the power within as the incredible gift that must be shared. I understand the Angels and Guides that surround us all as a ND survivor and deep beautiful contrast of my life. Oranum, is as diverse and eclectic of a platform as my teachers. A community of wise women and men sharing their gifts of healing magic and wonder through the very atmosphere that Nicolas Tesla once played. Splendid I must say! My tools and treasures of choice are, every girl needs tools (lol) My Cards are my bff's~Tarot, Angels, Native, Animals and other Oracles Pendulum, my constant companion Crystals, I am such a rock hound Mediation-Affirmations-Prayers-Intentions Focus Wheel, when we center an intention it Expands & Radiates Energy healing, Reiki, Chalkra Cleansing/Aurora Shielding and Protection Visions Dream Interpretation I follow an Esoteric approach so of course the common thread of Numerology, Astrology, and the Kabbalah are a part of my continued ed program from the Cosmos. Most Guys and Dolls do not want to be called a tool. But let's get real here, I want to be your Favorite Tool! Much like my cards and pendulum, when I give a reading it fills me and it is as deep for me as you. I never know what is going to happen anymore then you. To get the best reading what do you need to do: 1) Time is of the essence, know what you want to know For Fun you could... Write it down if you can use your non dominant hand then hold it in your dominant hand while we shuffle 2) It is your dime, so be realistic can we unravel the demise of your entire life in less than 5 minutes I am quick and a great card slinger, I enjoy speed reads 3) Don't ask if you really don't want to know. Also, expect honesty. I often say my own moccasin's are as worn as my arsh. Meaning sometimes the lessons are easy as we openly accept what our Guides, Angels, and the Creator are showing us at other times we force their had to love us through our choices and the Karmic Debts. That my friend is Free Will and they don't go any where they simply sit on the side lines and await your call. Momma Wendy's Specialties: Relationships: Show me the Love.... Is he a Player or Keeper/Is she Drama or a Momma What is the Low Down... Is this real or just Fantasy Are we a match or trash... Should we Fix It or Ditch It... Of course Relationships are much more than just Love and I love navigating the waters of: Family, Co-Workers, Friends, Step-Families and Blended Families, you name it, I got you Boo Boo... Business and Career The Golden Egg.... I have practical experience having developed, owned and operated my own small businesses successfully. Also, spending many years working in Corporate America from Airlines to Mortgage Banker, Retail to Nurse’s Aide. I know how the heartbeat of the employer works and the mind of an employee churns. Should I hire or fire... Should I stay or Should I go... Shove it or take it, is the Job right for me... To Expand or Contract... Things are tight, do I need a 2nd job... What’s my passion? I like the sunshine, is it time to relocate... Is it time to cash in... I am the master manifester....Let’s define what you really want and focus our intentions! Trauma, Wounds, and the Hard Stuff: Life can be hard and you got a friend! That life of deep contrast I talk about. While it comes at price. One long term soul mate marriage complete with a beautiful daughter ended by addiction and betrayal. Ended with more than tears and Universe would show how powerful it is and heal me from dis ease. Gratitude. Next came Romance and with all the trimmings. A lesson in sleeping with the enemy ~ what it means to really ignore your divine guidance and the cost. Boy do I understand Wounds and what it takes to be able to say, JUST, GIVE IT AWAY...Young ones to teens to adults. I share from the heart always with my clients because I have been there. I will respect you and honor you and our guides to lead the way. That is really how it works. There is no miracle cure, other than being open to the process and ready to do the work. Are you stuck... Not sure...Hang in there you have options... Personal Motivation, we all need a steady diet of this... Native Totems, Guides Way cool Step 1 must be done via Email 24.99 and then interpretation Step 2 Live Ceremonies and Rituals...Allow you to focus your intentions Alters, Candles, Stones and more. Take a look of a couple of my pictures of Alters This is a scared space for you to focus more clearly. Your own offering to connect to the Creator's there are no rules. This space is an extension of you and the beauty that connects you to your God. Your home and body are living alters what do they say? My promise to every client; respect, compassion, honesty, and open heart. You have my attention and I hear you. As I said, a wise woman is groomed and my guides are very generous with their band aids. The best part of life, being in the game enough to need band aides. Most of us find it easier to say I have a tooth ache then to admit we have a broken heart. Worst yet many people will die from dis ease that is caused by the inability to ask for help and trust there are caring guides waiting to assist them. The Cosmos/Universe conspires to fulfill your every desire. Those desires or intentions must follow the laws of nature and be within the cosmic laws karma and every day I see little glimmers of what can be reflected back to me. The Universe is dripping with an anointed energy of Nature and Magic, it is up to us to capture it's essence and bath in it. What are waiting for? Let's have fun exploring your questions, intentions, and desires. As always, your feedback is very important. Be honest and share your thoughts. Room rules, Respect each other, spirit, and share the love! This is where we chit chat and get to know each other. It is the preview of Energy and a Preview of who I am! The only Free reads are in Demo Mode The only interaction during a Demo is between me and the client getting the Reading Everyone else is in the watch mode! We will have fun and interaction on many topics and play some games and when you are confident you want a personal reading, we will go private. I share a lot of personal information here because I am a spiritual teacher. You need a safe place to share and that is in Private!! Ms. Wendy
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